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更新時間:2017-04-25      瀏覽次數:1732


HO-4114土壤無核密度儀/無核密濕度儀  簡稱:無核儀


This is a general user manual for Electrical Density Gauge. It contains a description of the EDG and its components, and guidelines for use and calibration. It is strongly recommended that you review this manual carefully before using EDG. The information in this manual has been carefully checked and is believed to be entirely reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed for inaccuracies. Furthermore, EDG, LLC reserves the right to make changes to products herein described without prior notice, so as to improve reliability,function, or design.




Introduction 3

Introduction to the EDG Process ………… .…….. ……. ………….. 3

Components 5

The EDG Process In Depth 7

The process steps of HO-4114 8

Making Soil Model: 10

Introduction of HO-4114 Functions in MainFrm 11

Simple introduction of submenu of MainFrm: 11

The process steps of use 12

(1).Create Soil Modal file SED-XX and STD-XX. 12

(2).Make Soil Model: 14

Job Sites Test 18

(1). Relate Soil Model 18

(2).Job Sites Soil Test 20





Your Electrical Density Gauge (EDG) is capable of providing accurate readings of soil density, moisture content, and percent compaction on soils typically used for roads and foundations. The precision by which the EDG can determine these physical parameters depends highly upon you, the operator. Reading and understanding the contents of this manual is a very important step toward utilizing EDG to its maximum potential.


The following will give you an overview of the EDG process and help you understand the more detailed steps found later in the manual.





Is EDG Safe To Use?

Absoluy! There is far less measuring energy present when using EDG than when you are using a cell phone.


Introduction to the EDG Process

The EDG process introduces some new terminology with which you need to be familiar.

A Soil Model is a combination of electrical soil data and user-entered physical soil data. The Soil Model provides the basis for testing a specific soil type within an area of similar soil characteristics. To make a Soil Model, several electrical signatures are acquired using the EDG at different Test Spots (the Test Spots for a Soil Model are called Soil Tests.) For each Test Spot that an electrical signature is acquired, a Sand Cone test is also performed to obtain physical wet density, dry density, and percent moisture information. A proctor test can optionally be performed to determine the maximum dry density. The physical information determined by the Sand Cone and Proctor Mold laboratory tests are entered into the EDG unit ,thereby tying electrical signature information to physical data.

The Soil Model can be thought of as a way of “calibrating” the EDG to the particular soil type. At least three Test Spots (Soil Tests) are required to create a Soil Model; more Test Spots make for a more representative Soil Model. Further, Test Spots that exhibit a broad range of density and moisture content make for more accurate Soil Models.

Once the Soil Model has been created, the EDG is ready for testing at aJob Site. A Job Site is an area of similar soil characteristics in which the user wishes to determine the physical characteristics of the soil. A single Soil Model is generally created for each different Job Site.

Once a Soil Model has been created that accuray models the Job Site,the soil characteristics of any Test Spot within the Job Site can be accuray and quickly determined by the EDG by performing a Field Test. A Field Test is electrical soil data at a particular Test Spot that is fed into the Soil Model to produce physical soil characteristics.





1. EDG Console/Computer (1)

2. Electronic Soil Measurement Sensor (1)

3. Calibration Check Unit (1)

4. Dart Template (1)

5. Soil Darts (4)

6. Temperature Probe (1)

7. Hammer (1)

8. Battery Charger (1)

9. Cables/Clips for Soil Measurement Sensor (1)

10. Break-Out Cable (1)


12. Software (1)




Soil Darts: To get electrical data from the soil, 4 Soil Darts are pounded into the ground with a hammer. A template is provided to accuray position the Soil Darts. The Soil Darts are machined from stainless steel,and are expected to last many years. If the conical end becomes flattened from hitting too many rocks, either file or grind off any mushrooming at the point to maintain a conical shape to the Dart. If the top end of the Dart becomes damaged or starts to crack from excessive hammering, file off the damaged part to avoid having pieces of steel flying off when driving in the Dart. Always wear safety glasses when hammering in the Soil Darts.


Electrical Soil Measurement Sensor: The Soil Sensor gathers electrical information about the soil under test and transfers the information to the EDG computer. The Soil Sensor is connected to the Soil Darts using cables and clips. The Soil Sensor connects to the EDG unit using the left panel receptacle.

The Soil Sensor requires no maintenance or adjustment, so there is no need to open the enclosure. Keep it clean and dry when using it. It is an electronic circuit, so treat it with the same respect you use with your cell phone. If the Sensor Pins become loose, hold the pin with pliers while tightening the nut

against the enclosure.


Temperature Probe :The temperature probe attaches to the left panel receptacle. When performing EDG testing, the temperature probe should be placed into the soil. The soil temperature is an important variable in accurate EDG testing. The EDG computer uses the temperature information to perform temperature compensation, resulting in more accurate EDG results. The temperature probe must be connected when creating Soil

Models; use of the temperature probe is optional when performing Field Testing. If the temperature probe is not used during Field Testing, the EDG results cannot be temperature compensated.


The Break-Out Cable: The Break-Out Cable provides a 9-pin Data Cable connector for connection to a host PC for use in Data Sharing mode.


EDG Battery/Battery Charger: The EDG battery is rated at a capacity of 4.0 Amp-Hours. This is enough energy for continuous operation for over 8 hours The Battery Charger that is provided with EDG will charge the battery in approximay 12 hours.Therefore, EDG should be placed on charge each day after use, and be allowed to charge overnight.


EDG Console/Computer: The EDG unit contains a computer that applies mathematical formulas to determine the physical characteristics of the soil. The computer also contains memory that remains intact after the EDG has been powered off; this memory is used to save Soil Models and Job Site data. See Appendix A for information on EDG memory capacity. The EDG console has an LCD display that is used to provide visual information to the user and a keypad that allows the user to key information into the EDG unit.












































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